Thursday 1 March 2007


This is the email that I have sent in order to persue my articles for the 'GAY' section of our community website.

Hi David, I found your contact details on a regional BBC news website for Gay pride 2007 in Birmingham. I was wondering if you would mind answering a few questions about the event this year, and a few about last years event, comparisons, views, events, excitements etc!!!
I will be publishing the final article, about Birmingham Pride 2007, online, as part of the 'UCE News Site'. It would be brilliant if you could get back to me as soon as possible to let me know, and I will finalize my questions for you, and get the article on the way. I don't know my scope on word count for the article as yet, but I am wanting to make it quite a large feature/interview piece in our Gay Community part of the site, with lots of colourful images. This will be great publicty/pr for PRIDE 07 for the student community. I look foward to hearing from you, thanks for listening.


His contact details are:

I am still awaiting a reply in order to write up a large feature article on this massive event. information about PRIDE, are easily accessible on the internet, and from the gay community section on BBCnews site for birmingham I have also found further stories of interest for the site, I am emailing other contacts for leads on other stories.

It is just a matter of waiting for reply's from my contacts.

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